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Saying “hello” to braces treatment is an exciting step towards achieving the smile of your dreams. But if you’re like most patients, you’re probably wondering (or worrying) about how it will feel to have wires and brackets in your mouth around the clock. The first few weeks of orthodontics – from traditional metal braces to clear aligners and ceramic braces – will require some getting used to, and patients will experience some growing pains as they adjust. Braces are more comfortable and discreet than ever, but sore teeth and irritated gums still pop up every now and then.

While some initial headaches and hiccups are unavoidable, patients have many ways to navigate these troubles. Here are three tips from Hello Ortho to help you ease into your treatment plan and keep comfortable as your teeth start their journey.

metal braces treatment at Napa CA orthodontist

OTC Pain Relief is Your Friend

Right after getting your braces, it’s common to experience tenderness as your teeth and gums recover. You can take over-the-counter pain relief medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to get ahead of potential aches from having brackets and wires placed. It’s best to take medication before your appointment (and not afterward) so it will kick in by the time you’re done with your visit.

You’ll also feel slightly uncomfortable as your smile starts its slow but steady transformation. Following the first day (and every time your wires are tightened), you’ll still be a little sore as your teeth shift and straighten. This is because braces apply gentle pressure to move your teeth into their new position! Take away the new-braces ache with a pain reliever on these days, too.

Change Up Your Snack Selection

When beginning your smile journey, it’s best to stick to soft and easy-to-chew foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, scrambled eggs, soups, and steamed vegetables. Sticky or hard foods can easily damage your braces and put unnecessary pressure on your orthodontic appliances. This can cause serious soreness for new patients or even break wires and brackets. Whole apples, popcorn, caramel, and other snacks are off-limits if you want to stay comfortable! Add in ice cream as an extra-special treat to soothe sore teeth.

Keep Wires in Check with Dental Wax

In the first stages of your braces treatment, you may find that some brackets and wires irritate your cheek or rub on your gums. Orthodontic wax is an essential tool to keep these issues in check! Soft dental wax creates a barrier between your brackets and wires and the inside of your mouth, reducing friction and minimizing any poking, prodding, or rubbing. Just soften it between your fingers and apply it to the problem spot for instant relief.

Say Hello to Simple, Discreet, and Downright Comfy Braces

Braces treatment is something to look forward to—after all, it ends with straighter teeth and a shining smile! But ensure your path to straighter teeth and a better bite is as easy as possible. With these three tips, your first step into the world of orthodontics will be a breeze. As you get used to metal or ceramic braces, take OTC pain relief as necessary, choose soft foods and cold snacks to relieve soreness, and use dental wax to counteract irritation from brackets and wires.

Everyone deserves to smile from start to finish when transforming their look with orthodontic treatment. Get ready to enjoy a brand-new you that can greet every day with a confident “hello” and a happy smile!